Saturday, December 12, 2015


I always maintained that I was looking forward to getting snowed in and not being able to leave the cabin for a while.  And I prepared (at least food-wise) for it.  The locals laughed. 

~~ "Oh honey - snow isn't a problem, you can drive on it until you can snowmobile on it, no problems.  It's the transition seasons that get you... fall and spring, when things are wet.  You can't drive on the mud."~~

Being a jeep girl long ago, I ignored their warnings, assuming they just couldn't drive in mud.  I WAS WRONG.

The dirt here is a monster of another caliber.  Remember how I've mentioned that we don't really have any dirt?  Just a bit of rock mixed with some dirt before it's straight up rock? Ha.  I WAS WRONG.  

Our driveway.  Rock solid.  Couldn't dig down 2 inches if I try.  Get a little moisture - okay, a bit slick on top. Get a little more moisture - well, a little rough, but doable.  Get a little more moisture - oh no, we're sinking in 2 FEET of mud!!!  Where did the mud come from if there is no dirt? Where???

We did manage to get the truck out.  I thought we might have to wait until spring when the ground firmed back up again, but we pulled her out.  Everything here is a learning curve.  Just life in the out yonder!


  1. Yeah, same here (Latvia) Initially I gave up and parked the Gaz (old soviet jeep) at the end of my track and would walk to it - only a kilometre so not really a big issue....then the main 'roads' turned to Somme battlefield conditions. Now, I hasve just totally given up on having a vehicle and I'm looking for a bull calf or pregnant cow, plus a droska to use as my transport....should be more fun than driving :)

    1. I really hope to get a horse. Would be much better than driving in. And our little town just begs for a horse to be tied up at the old livery!
